Qingbao leichao 清稗類鈔 "Categorized anthology of petty matters from the Qing period" is an anthology of historiographical essays from the whole Qing period 清 (1644-1911) compiled during the early 20th century by the writer and poet Xu Ke 徐珂 (1869-1928), original name Chang 昌, courtesy name Zhongke 仲可, from Hangxian 杭縣 (today part of Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang). He obtained the juren degree in 1889. In 1894, he entered the staff of general Yuan Shikai 袁世凱 (1859-1916), but soon left for Shanghai, where he was an editor for the journals Waijiaobao 外交報 and Dongfang zazhi 東方雜誌. Apart from his encyclopaedia Qingbai leichao, Xu Ke wrote the poetry collections Lidai baihua shi xuan 歷代白話詩選 and Gujin ci xuanji ping 古今詞選集評, the literary books Xiaozilizhai wen 小自立齋文, Keyan 可言 andKangju biji 康居筆記. Hw als o compiled the two parts of the series Tiansuge congkan 天蘇閣叢刊.
The book was finished in 1917 and published by the Shangwu Yinshu Press 商務印書館. This first edition was divided into 48 volumes in 8 series. A second edition from 1984 by the Zhonghua Shuju Press 中華書局 comprises 13 volumes.
The Qingbai leichao includes a large amount of unofficial historiographical sources, including parts of collected writings, "brush-notes"-style (biji 筆記) essays, stories and reports from the early Chinese newspapers. It imitates the collection Songbai leichao 宋稗类鈔 not only in the idea but also in the structure. It is divided into 92 chapters (the 1984 edition in 90 chapters) that each cover a specific encyclopaedic theme, from astronomy and calendar to all aspects of statecraft like administrative geography, international relations, state rituals, educational system, military, judicial system, state offices, to human affairs like religion, matrimony, customs and habits, human character, language, handicrafts and professions, arts, literature, music, objects and tools, down to plants and animals. The whole collection includes 13,500 articles. It includes a preface by the compiler and one by Zhu Zongyuan 諸宗元 (1875-1932).
The content is extremely vast and includes all aspects of history, society, state, the arts and human life. It contains a lot of information on the Opium Wars, the Reform Movement of 1898 (Wuxu bianfa 戊戌變法) and the Revolution of 1911. The extracts and quotations from newspapers and gazettes are of special interest because they reflect the immediate reactions of society towards political matters and the discourses about contemporary issues, which are not dealt with in historiographic texts. The Qingbai leichao is not a historiographical work. That means that it does not evaluate the sources it makes use of. As a source book, nonetheless, it is a profound treasury. From this aspect, the old term yeshi 野史 "wild history" as something unofficial and therefore not reliable does not apply to the Qingbai leichao because it does not interpret history but only provides the historian with many different sources. It is therefore a pity that the compiler did not pay more attention to an exact indication of the origin of his sources.
時令類 | The seasons |
氣候類 | Weather |
地理類 | Geography |
名勝類 | Famous sites |
宮苑類 | Palaces and parks |
第宅類 | Buildings |
園林類 | Gardens and forests |
祠廟類 | Shrines and temples |
帝德類 | Imperial virtue |
恩遇類 | Generous treatment |
巡幸類 | Inspection tours |
宮闈類 | The women's quarters |
朝貢類 | Tributes to the court |
外藩類 | The outer barbarians |
閹寺類 | Eunuchs |
外交類 | Foreign affairs |
禮制類 | The structure of rites |
度支類 | State revenue |
屯漕類 | Military colonies and the Grand Canal |
教育類 | Education |
考試類 | Examination |
兵刑類 | Military and justice |
戰事類 1-2 | War |
武略類 | Strategy |
獄訟類 1-2 | Verdict and prison |
吏治類 | The administration of officialdom |
爵秩類 | Ranks and grades |
幕僚類 | Administrative aides |
薦舉類 | Appointment on recommendation |
知遇類 | Receiving appreciation |
隱逸類 | Living in seclusion |
諫諍類 | Frankly criticising a ruler |
箴規類 | Admonishing officials and giving guidelines |
譏諷類 1-2 | Derision |
詼諧類 | Humour |
種族類 | Ethnic groups |
宗教類 | Religion |
婚姻類 | Marriage |
門閥類 | Distinguished families |
姓名類 | Personal names |
稱謂類 | Designations |
風俗類 | Customs and habits |
方言類 | Topolects |
農商類 | Agriculture and commerce |
工藝類 | Crafts and industries |
孝友類 | Filial piety and friendship |
忠盡類 | Utmost loyalty |
敬信類 | Respect and trustworthiness |
義俠類 1-2 | Knights and gallants |
技勇類 | Skill and bravery |
正直類 | Correctness and straightforwardness |
貞烈類 | Female chastity |
謙謹類 | Modesty and politeness |
廉儉類 | Honesty and austerity |
狷介類 | Uprightness |
豪侈類 | Extravagance |
才辯類 | Gifted eloquence |
明智類 | Sagaciousness |
雅量類 | Magnanimity |
異稟類 | Extraordinary talents |
容止類 | Demeanour |
情感類 | Emotions |
疾病類 | Illness |
喪祭類 | Funeral rites |
師友類 | Teachers and friends |
會黨類 | Secret societies |
著述類 | Authorship |
性理類 | Character and nature |
經術類 | Confucian Classics |
文學類 1-2 | Literature |
藝術類 1-2 | Arts |
鑒賞類 | Connoisseurship |
方伎類 1-2 | Magic |
迷信類 1-2 | Superstition |
方外類 | Foreign matters |
賭博類 | Gambling |
音樂類 | Music |
戲劇類 | Jugglers |
優伶類 | Actors |
娼妓類 1-2 | Singsong girls |
胥役類 | Yamen runners |
奴婢類 | Slaves |
盜賊類 | Bandits |
棍騙類 | Swindlers |
乞丐類 | Beggars |
動物類 | Animals |
植物類 1-2 | Plants |
礦物類 | Minerals |
物品類 | Various articles |
舟車類 | Ships, boats and carts |
服飾類 | Clothing and adornment |
飲食類 1-3 | Eating and drinking |