An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Taoshuo 陶說

Jul 14, 2024 © Ulrich Theobald

Taoshuo 陶說 is a treatise on the production of chinaware written by Zhu Yan 朱琰 (mid to late 18th cent.), courtesy name Tongchuan 桐川, style Liting 笠亭. The book of 6 juan length must have been completed before 1774. It is the oldest specialized book on the production and art of pottery.

The text is divided into four parts, the first two introducing the most important places of pottery production in the then-present age (1) and the past (2). The first fascicle presents the types of china produced in Raozhou 饒州 (modern Fanyang 鄱陽, Jiangxi) and illustrations on the manufacturing process. The pictures are accompanied by a text detailing each step of manufacture. An appendix resumes the most important statements. The second fascicle explains the history of pottery kilns (yao 窯) in China, with a focus on different types. Juan 3 goes back to the furnaces of Raozhou and their history, as well as the construction of furnaces and kilns. The last part of the book (4-6) describes various types of pottery vessels and their production methods over time, beginning in the mythical age, and ending in the early Qing period 清 (1644-1911). All chapters are connected to the kilns of Raozhou, where not only private manufacturers were running their business, but also the government (guanyao 官窯 "government kilns"). Zhu’s book is therefore not only of great interest concerning the history of crafts, but also on the business operations of the Ming and Qing states.

The book must not be confounded with Liu Fenci's 劉子芬 Zhuyuan taoshuo 竹園陶說. It was translated into English by Stephen Bushell as Description of Chinese Pottery and Porcelain: Being a translation of the T'ao Shuo (Oxford: Clarendon, 1910). The text is found in the series Cuiliangganguan congshu 翠琅玕館叢書, Longwei bishu 龍威祕書, Meishu congshu 美術叢書, Shuoshi 說詩, Yishu congshu 藝術叢書 and Yuyuan congshu 芋園叢書.

Fu Zhenlun 傅振倫. 1981). "Zhu Yan Taoshuo jianjie 朱琰《陶說》簡介." Jingdezhen taoci 景德鎮陶瓷 1981 (1): 33-34+12.
Hu Binglin 胡炳麟. 1982. "Guji taoshuo jianjie 古籍《陶說》簡介." Gantu tongxun 贛圖通訊, 1982 (1): 28.
NN. 2015. "Zhonghua yawan dianji: Taoshuo 中華雅玩典籍——《陶說》." Shuwu 書屋, 2015 (8): 1.
Wang Li 王麗. 2016. "Taoshuo zai Riben de cuanbo yu yingxiang 《陶說》在日本的傳播與影響." Jingdezhen taoci 景德鎮陶瓷, 2016 (4): 9-10.
Xie Zhiming 謝志明. 2019. "Taoci keji dianji yu waiguo yizhe fanyi celüe xuexi: Yi Buxi'er [Bushell] Taoshuo Yingyi ben wei li 陶瓷科技典籍與外國譯者翻譯策略學習——以布希爾《陶說》英譯本為例." Huabei Ligong Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 華北理工大學學報(社會科學版) 19 (5): 112-116.
Xu Mingwu 許明武, and Pan Yutong 潘育彤. 2022. "Bushili [Bushell] Taoshuo yiben de yizhe xingwei piping fenxi 卜士禮《陶說》譯本的譯者行為批評分析." Waiyu yu fanyi 外語與翻譯, 29 (2): 19-24.
Zhou Jiahua 周嘉華. 1995. "Taoshuo tiyao 《陶說》提要." In Zhongguo kexue jishu dianji tonghui 中國科學技術典籍通彙, part Huaxue 化學, edited by Guo Zhengyi 郭正誼, vol. 1, 1177-1178. Zhengzhou: Henan jiaoyu chubanshe.
蜀漢 (221-263)