Pianzi leibian 駢字類編 "Categorized book of combined characters" is rhyme dictionary compiled on imperial order during the Qing period 清 (1644-1911) by Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉 (1672-1755), Wu Shiyu 吳士玉 (1665-1733), and Shen Zongjing 沈宗敬 (1669-1735). The compilation was realized between 1719 and 1726, and the Yongzheng Emperor 雍正帝 (r. 1723-1735) wrote a preface to it.
The 240 juan or fascicles of the Pianzi leibian contain 13 categories or chapters, according to which the terms have to be looked for. The words "sun", "wind", and "rain", for instance, are listed under the headword "Heaven". For each character or word, disyllabic words or terms are listed and explained with quotations from literary sources. The lemma character is always in the head position of the disyllabic word, like in modern dictionaries, and not that of the end position, like it is common in a lot of other traditional dictionaries and encyclopaedias, a method which has been first used by the Tang-period 唐 (618-907) scholar Yan Zhenqing 顏真卿 (709-785) in the encyclopaedia Yunhai jingyuan 韻海鏡源. The Pianzi leibian only contains disyllabic words and no expressions with more than two characters. The use of the Pianzi leibian is foremost in consulting examples of rhymes in poetry, but the quotations are also taken from prose writings. The sources of the quotations are always indicated. Although the Pianzi leibian does not contain as many words as the Peiwen yunfu, it is much easier to use as a dictionary, but only with caution, because not all meanings of the words are explained.
【雲風】《史記·天官書》:「有——無日,當其時,深而少實。」 | The Treatise on Astronomy of the Shiji says, "Clouds and wind, but no sun; when this occurs at the right time, it is profound and lacks [vital] substance". |
《漢書·禮樂志》:「——雷電降甘露雨,百姓蕃滋,咸循厥緒。」 | The Treatise on Rites and Music of the Hanshu says, "Clouds, wind, thunder, and lightning bring sweet dew, rain, and abundant prosperity for the people, all following their proper course。" |
《宋書·五行志》:「魏元帝景元三年十月,京都大震晝晦,此夜妖也。」班固曰:「夜妖者,——並起而杳㝠,故與常風同象也。」 | The Treatise on the Five Agents in the Songshu says, "In the third year of Emperor Yuan of the Wei dynasty, in the tenth month, the capital experienced a great earthquake and midday darkness; this night was an omen of disaster." Ban Gu remarks [on such a phenomenon], "The 'night omen' occurs when clouds and wind rise and darken the sky, so it resembles the normal wind pattern." |
《說苑》:「夫仁者,何以樂山也?曰:夫山巃嵸𡻭㠑,萬民之所觀,仰草木生焉。衆物立焉。飛禽萃焉。走獸休焉。寳藏殖焉。奇夫息焉。育羣物而不倦焉。四方並取而不限焉。出——通氣於天地之間,國家以成。是仁者所以樂山也。」 | The Shuoyuan says, "What does the benevolent person find joy in the mountains? It is because mountains are towering and magnificent, observed by all people. They support the growth of grass and trees, and provide a place for various creatures to thrive. Birds gather there, beasts rest, and treasures are found within abundantly. The peculiar and rare creatures also take refuge there. They nurture all beings without tiring, offering resources without limitation, allowing the flow of clouds and wind that circulate the energies between heaven and earth, helping the country to prosper. This is why the benevolent person finds joy in the mountains. |
岑士貴《凌煙閣賦》:「來龍虎之——,迄佐平之時難。」 | Cao Shigui's (1294-1328) Rhapsody of Cold Smoke Pavilion says: "The clouds and winds of the dragon and tiger arrive, marking difficult times when peace is hard to achieve." |
There is a print of the Imperial Household from 1726, a print from the Guangxu reign-period 光緒 (1875-1908), and a modern publication from 1984 by the Zhongguo Shudian Press 中國書店. The Pianzi leibian is included in the series Siku quanshu 四庫全書.
1-21 | 天地門 | Heaven and earth |
22-35 | 時令門 | Seasons and time |
36-56 | 山水門 | Mountains and waters |
57-65 | 居處門 | Buildings and living |
66-77 | 珍寶門 | Jewels and precious materials |
78-112 | 數目門 | Numbers |
113-133 | 方隅門 | Directions and locations |
134-147 | 彩色門 | Colours |
148-175 | 器物門 | Tools and utensils |
176-203 | 草木門 | Plants |
204-217 | 鳥獸門 | Birds and beasts |
218-224 | 蟲魚門 | Creeping and swimming animals |
225-240 | 人事門 (補遺) | Human affairs (supplement) |