An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Mashi jingji kao 馬氏經籍考

Dec 17, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Mashi jingji kao 馬氏經籍考 is the bibliographical chapter (174-249 Jingji kao) in Ma Duanlin's 馬端臨 (c. 1254-c. 1323) statecraft encyclopaedia Wenxian tongkao 文獻通考, therefore normally called Wenxian tongkao jingji kao 文獻通考經籍考.

In comparison to other bibliographies, Ma's is relatively long. It is arranged according to the four traditional categories of Confucian Classics (jing 經), historiography (shi 史), "Masters and philosophers" (zi 子) and belles-lettres (ji 集), with 58 sub-categories. The style of the catalogue imitated that of two earlier ones, namely Junzhai dushu zhi 郡齋讀書志 by Chao Gongwu 晁公武 (c. 1105-1180) and Zhizhai shulu jieti 直齋書錄解題 by Chen Zhensun 陳振孫 (c. 1183-1262).

The Classics section includes, except commentaries on the Classics, texts on state ceremonies (Yizhu 儀注), posthumous titles (Shifa 謚法), apocryphal texts (Chenwei 讖諱) and on elementary learning (Xiaoxue 小學).

The historiographical category includes official dynastic histories (Zhengshi 正史), annals (Biannian 編年), imperial diaries (Qijuzhu 起居注), miscellaneous histories (Zashi 雜史), biographies (Zhuanji 傳記), histories of "illegal" dynasties (Weishi 偽史), history of independent dynasties (Bashi 霸史), historical critique (Shiping 史評), excerpts of history books (Shichao 史鈔), old regulations (Gushi 故事), texts on state offices (Zhiguan 職官), jurisdiction (Xingfa 刑法), geography (Dili 地理), edicts related to the seasons (Shiling 時令), genealogies (Pudie 譜牒) and bibliographies (Mulu 目錄).

The "Masters" section includes the sections on Confucians, legalists, dialecticians (Mingjia 名家), Daoists, Mohists, coalition advisors, syncretists (Zajia 雜家), story-tellers, texts on agriculture, astronomy, calendar, astrology (Wuxing 五行), divination with hexagrams (Zhanshi 占筮), geomancy (Xingfa 形法), military, medicine, the "art of the bedchamber" (Fangzhong 房中), religious Daoism (Shenxianjia 神仙家), Buddhism, encyclopaedias (Leishu 類書) and "miscellaneous skills" (Zayi 雜藝).

The belles-lettres section includes the sub-categories rhapodies and poems (Fushi 賦詩), collections of individual writings (Bieji 別集), collections of poems (Shiji 詩集), of lyric-meter poems (Geci 歌詞), of memorials to the throne (Zhangzou 章奏), and general collections and anthologie (Zongji 總集).

Each sub-category is introduced by a preface, and exact bibliographic data are recorded for each text, using many different sources. The Mashi jingji kao is the most detailed catalogue on the existence of pre-Song and Song-period texts and was imitated in the catalogues of Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629-1709) in his Jingyikao 經義考 and Zhang Xuecheng 章學誠 (1738-1801) in his Shijikao 史籍考. The Mashi jingji kao was therefore sometimes published as a separate text, for instance, in 1901 by the Tushu Jicheng Ju 圖書集成局 in Shanghai. It is also included in the series Zhongguo lidai yiwen zhi 中國歷代藝文志 from 1936, and in the Lidai jingji kao 歷代經籍考, published in 1959 by the Xinxing Shuju 新興書局 in Taibei. It is also included in the series Baojingtang congshu 抱經堂叢書 and Congshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編.

Deng Fang 鄧芳 (2012). "Ma Duanlin Wenxian tongkao jingji kao yu jiluti muluxue de chuangli 馬端臨《文獻通考·經籍考》與輯錄體目錄學的創立", Jixi Daxue xuebao 雞西大學學報, 2012 (1).
Li Feng 李峰 (2006). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao: Zhongguo Songdai zhongyao de shizhi mulu 《文獻通考·經籍考》——中國宋代重要的史志目錄", Jiangxi Tushuguan xuekan 江西圖書館學刊, 2006 (8).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2017). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao neirong cengci ji qi shumu xilun 《文獻通考·經籍考》内容層次及其書目析論", Shizhi xuekan 史志學刊, 2017 (12).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018). "Hainei-wei Wenxian tongkao jingji kao yanjiu shuping 海内外《文獻通考·經籍考》研究述評", Xihua Shifan Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 西華師範大學學报(哲學社會科學版), 2018 (1).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018a). "Lun Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de fenlei yuanyuan ji qi tiaozheng 論《文獻通考·經籍考》的分類淵源及其調整", Wuling xuekan 武陵學刊, 2018 (11).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018b). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao bianzuan tili yu jilu wenxian 《文獻通考·經籍考》編纂體例與輯錄文獻", Qinghai Shifan Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 青海師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 2018 (1).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018c). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de zhengli, zhulu ji qi pingjia 《文獻通考·經籍考》的整理、著錄及其評價", Tushu qingbao yanjiu 圖書情報研究, 2018 (12).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018d). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao wenxian de jilu fangfa yu tongji fenxi 《文獻通考·經籍考》文獻的輯錄方法與統計分析", Chengdu Daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 成都大學學報(社會科學版), 2018 (4).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2018e). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao yanjiu zongshu 《文獻通考·經籍考》研究綜述", Tushuguan yanjiu yu gongzuo 圖書館究與工作, 2018 (3).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2019). "Lun Wenxian tongkao jingji kao fenlei ji tiaozheng: Yi zibu wei zhongxin 論《文獻通考·經籍考》分類的淵源及調整——以子部為中心", Tianzhong xuekan 天中學刊, 2019 (2).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2019a). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de fenlei yuanyuan yu tiaozheng: Yi jingbu wei zhongxin de kaocha 《文獻通考·經籍考》的分類淵源與歸類調整——以經部為中心的考察", Shangqiu Shifan Daxue xuebao 商丘師範學院學報, 2019 (1).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2019b). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de fenlei yuanyuan yu tiaozheng: Yi shibu wei zhongxin 《文獻通考·經籍考》的分類淵源與歸類調整——以史部為中心", Shizhi xuekan 史志學刊, 2018 (12).
Lian Fan 連凡 (2019c). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de fenlei yuanyuan yu tiaozheng: Yi zibu wei zhongxin de kaocha 《文獻通考·經籍考》的分類淵源與歸類調整——以子部為中心的考察", Xibu xuekan 西部學刊, 2019 (2).
Liu Yan 柳燕 (2012). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao jibu dui Songdai wenxue de chanshuo 《文獻通考·經籍考·集部》對宋代文學的闡說", Hubei Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 湖北大學學報(哲學社會科學版), 2012 (9).
Pan Yinsheng 潘寅生, Guo Jiankui 郭建魁, ed. (1993). Zhonghua shehui kexue gongjushu cidian 中華社會科學工具書辭典 (Lanzhou: Gansu renmin chubanshe), 703.
Wu Feng 吳楓, ed. (1987). Jianming Zhongguo guji cidian 簡明中國古籍辭典 (Changchun: Jilin wenshi chubanshe), 67.
Yang Jilin 楊寄林 (1989). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de chengshu yu jiazhi 《文獻通考·經籍考》的成書與價值", Guji zhengli yanjiu xuekan 古籍整理研究學刊, 1989 (12).
Yang Jilin 楊寄林 (2003). "Ping Wenxian tongkao jingji kao jilushi de jieti 評《文獻通考·經籍考》輯錄式的解題", Shixue shi yanjiu 史學史研究, 2003 (2).
Yang Wei 楊薇 (2000). "Shuo Wenxian tongkao jingji kao de shibu jieti 說《文獻通考·經籍考》的史部解題", Shixue shi yanjiu 史學史研究, 2000 (2).
Zhao Xuan 趙宣 (2008). "Wenxian tongkao jingji kao yu Yuhai wenyi hujianfa bijiao 《文獻通考·經籍考》與《玉海·藝文》“互見”法比較", Tushuguan lilun yu shijian 圖書館理論與實踐, 2008 (10).
Zhong Xiangqun 鐘向群 (2005). "Lun mulu de jiluti yu Ma Duanlin de Wenxian tongkao jingji kao 論目錄的輯錄體與馬端臨的《文獻通考·經籍考》", Daxue tushu qingbao xuekan 大學圖書情報學刊, 2005 (12).