An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History and Literature

Tongzhi yiwen lüe 通志•藝文略

Dec 17, 2019 © Ulrich Theobald

Tongzhi yiwen lüe 通志•藝文略 is the bibliographical chapter (fascicles 63-70) of Zheng Qiao's 鄭樵 (1104-1162) history book Tongzhi 通志. It is outstanding for its novel arrangement of texts and does not follow the system of four literary categories (Confucian Classics, historiography, "Masters and philosophers", and Belles-lettres and collections) established since around 600 CE.

While the number of four categories had basically been influenced by the physical arrangement of the traditional libraries, the arrangement in catalogues could be determined by the content of the texts, resulting in six or seven large categories, or even twelve, as in the case of Zheng Qiao's catalogue. Its structure was more or less copied half a millennium later by Jiao Hong 焦竑 (1540-1620) in his catalogue Guoshi jingji zhi 國史經籍志 that was originally planned to become the bibliographic chapter of a dynastic history of the Ming dynasty 明 (1368-1644).

Zheng operated with twelve categories: Confucian Classics, commentaries and related books (Jing 經), classics and texts on rituals and ceremonies (Li 禮), books on music (Yue 樂), books on lexicography and elementary learning (Xiaoxue 小學), historiography (Shi 史), "Masters and philosophers" (Zhuzi 諸子), books on astronomy, astrology, calendar and arithmetics (Tianwen 天文), books on the Five Agents (Wuxing 五行), i.e. on various methods of divination, books on art and skills (Yishu 藝術), medicine (Yifang 醫方), encyclopaedias (Leishu 類書), and belles-lettres (Wen 文). Zheng's categorization went to far that he did not just add a second layer of subcategories for these twelve large categories, but also third-layer categories in some cases. The outcome of this detailed structure is that some third-layer categories only include a handful of texts.

In addition to the catalogue, Zheng Qiao compiled a chapter on the principles of collation and bibliography, Jiaochou lüe 校讐略 (fascicle 71), and diverted collections of bronze and stone inscriptions to a separate catalogue (Jinshi lüe 金石略, fascicle 73) and illustrations, maps, charts and illustrated texts likewise separated to a fascicle of its own (Tupu lüe 圖譜略, 72). The latter uses the categories "use as pure images" (suoxiang 索象), scholarly sources (yuanxue 原學), and practical use (mingyong 明用). The list includes extant as well as lost illustrations.

This system of twelve categories was created after carefully considering the content and practical use of the books in the catalogue. Ritual texts, books on music, dictionaries and primers were therefore separated from the Classics canon. Zheng must also be credited with a very neutral perspective that allowed him to accept the large corpus of writings of religious Daoism as a class of its own, and not as a mere appendix to the Daoist "masters" Laozi 老子 and Zhuangzi 莊子.

Zheng Qiao was also convinced that the writings describing practical skills like astronomy, divination, calligraphy and medicine were not to be regarded in the same way as the philosophical and theoretical discussions of the ancient "Masters and philosophers".

The classification of Zheng Qiao was too detailed and found barely resonance in later cataloguing projects.

Table 1. Contents of the Tongzhi yiwen lüe 通志•藝文略 and Guoshi jingji zhi 國史經籍志
1. 經類 Jing Confucian Classics, commentaries and related books, 940 texts
1.1. The Yijing 易經 "Book of Changes", 241 texts: 1.1.1. 古易 ancient divination (like Lianshan 連山, Guicang 歸蔵), 1.1.2. 石經 stone-classic versions, 1.1.3. 章句 sentence-and-paragraph commentaries, 1.1.4. 傳 canonical commentaries (注附 app. notes), 1.1.5. 注 notes, 1.1.6. 集注 collected notes, 1.1.7. 義疏 exegesis, 1.1.8. 論說 discussions, 1.1.9. 類例 typological principles, 1.1.10. 譜 lists and overviews, 1.1.11. 考正 textual critique, 1.1.12. 數 numbers, 1.1.13. 圖 charts, 1.1.14. 音 phonetic comments, 1.1.15. 讖緯 apocryphal texts, 1.1.16. 擬易 imitations of the Changes (like Taixuanjing 太元經, Yuanbao 元包)
1.2. The Shangshu 尚書 "Book of Documents", 80 texts: 1.2.1. 古文經 versions in ancient script, 1.2.2. 石經 stone-classic versions, 1.2.3. 章句 sentence-and-paragraph commentaries, 1.2.4. 傳 canonical commentaries, 1.2.5. 注 notes, 1.2.6. 集注 collected notes, 1.2.7. 義疏 exegesis, 1.2.8. 問難 questions on difficult matters, 1.2.9. 義訓 instructions on the meaning, 1.2.10. 小學 texts of lesser learning, 1.2.11. 逸篇 remnant chapters, 1.2.12. 圖 charts, 1.2.13. 音 phonetic comments, 1.2.14. 續書 continued documents, 1.2.15. 讖緯 apocryphal texts, 1.2.16. 逸書 remnant documents (like Yizhoushu)
1.3. The Shijing 詩經 "Book of Songs", 90 texts: 1.3.1. 石經 stone-classic versions, 1.3.2. 故訓 ancient instructions, 1.3.3. 傳 canonical commentaries, 1.3.4. 注集 collected notes (注附 app. notes), 1.3.5. 義疏 exegesis, 1.3.6. 問辨 questions and disputes, 1.3.7. 統說 comprehensive explanations, 1.3.8. 譜 lists and overviews, 1.3.9. 名物 names of objects (like Maoshi caomu niaoshou chongyu shu 毛詩草木鳥獸蟲魚疏), 1.3.10. 圖 charts, 1.3.11. 音 phonetic comments, 1.3.12. 緯學 apocryphal texts
1.4. 春秋 The Chunqiu 春秋 "Spring and Autumn Annals" [and its canonical commentaries Zuozhuan 左傳, Guliangzhuan 穀梁傳, and Gongyangzhuan 公羊傳], 246 texts: 1.4. 經 the Classics, 1.4. 五家傳注 notes of the five texts of the corpus, 1.4. 三傳義疏 exegesis of the corpus, 1.4. 傳論 specialized discourses, 1.4. 序 essays, 1.4. 條例 rules and principles [in the compilation], 1.4. 圖 charts, 1.4. 文辭 speeches and statements, 1.4. 地理 geography, 1.4. 世譜 genealogies, 1.4. 卦繇 hexagrams, 1.4. 音 phonetic comments, 1.4. 讖緯 apocyphal texts
1.5. 春秋外傳 The history book Chunqiu waizhuan 春秋外傳 "Outer chapters of the Spring and Autumn period" (i.e. Guoyu 國語]), 9 texts: 1.5.1. 注解 notes and explanations, 1.5.2. 章句 sentence-and-paragraph commentaries, 1.5.3. 非駁 critical texts, 1.5.4. 音 phonetic comments
1.6. 孝經 The Xiaojing "Classic of Filial Piety", 61 texts: 1.6.1. 古文 ancient texts, 1.6.2. 注解 notes and explanations, 1.6.3. 義疏 exegesis, 1.6.4. 音 phonetic comments, 1.6.5. 廣義 related texts, 1.6.6. 讖緯 apocryphal texts
1.7. 論語 The Lunyu 論語 "Confucian Analects", 65 texts: 1.7.1. 古論語 ancient versions, 1.7.2. 正經 the orthodox Classic, 1.7.3. 注解 notes and explanations, 1.7.4. 章句 sentence-and-paragraph commentaries, 1.7.5. 義疏 exegesis, 1.7.6. 論難 discourse on difficult matters, 1.7.7. 辨正 critique, 1.7.8. 名氏譜 texts on persons, 1.7.9. 音釋 phonetic commentaries, 1.7.10. 讖緯 apocryphal texts, 1.7.11. 續語 continued Analects (like Kongcongzi 孔叢子, Kongzi jiayu 孔子家語)
1.8. 爾雅 The Erya 爾雅 glossary, 52 texts: 1.8.1. 注解 notes and explanations, 1.8.2. 圖 charts, 1.8.3. 義 exegesis, 1.8.4. 音 phonetic comments, 1.8.5. 廣雅 the Guangya "Broadened Erya", 1.8.6. 雜爾雅 new Erya texts (like Xiao erya 小爾雅, Xu erya 續爾雅), 1.8.7. 釋言 explanations of sayings, 1.8.8. 釋名 the Shiming "Explanation of terms", 1.8.9. 方言 the Fangyan "Regional words"
1.9. 經解謚法 經解 Commentaries on the whole Classics canon, 69 texts: 1.9.1. 經解 commentaries on the Classics canon, 1.9.2. 諡法 rules of posthumous titles
2. 禮類 Li Classics and texts on rituals and ceremonies, 480 texts
2.1. 周官 Commentaries on the Zhouguan "Offices of the Zhou", 21 texts: 2.1.1. 傳注 notes on the transmitted text, 2.1.2. 義疏 exegesis, 2.1.3. 論難 discourse on difficult matters, 2.1.4. 義類 the meaning of categorized chapters, 2.1.5. 音 phonetic comments, 2.1.6. 圖 illustrations
2.2. 儀禮 Commentaries on the Yili "Etiquette and Rites", 15 texts: 2.2.1. 石經 stone-classic versions, 2.2.2. 注 notes, 2.2.3. 疏 exegesis, 2.2.4. 音 phonetic comments
2.3. 喪服 Texts on funeral robes, 88 texts: 2.3.1. 傳注 notes on the transmitted text, 2.3.2. 集注 collected notes, 2.3.3. 義疏 exegesis, 2.3.4. 記要 concise records, 2.3.5. 問難 questions on difficult matters, 2.3.6. 儀注 ritual commentaries, 2.3.7. 譜 notes, 2.3.8. 圖 illustrations, 2.3.9. 五服圖儀 illustrated books on the five types of garment
2.4. 禮記 Commentaries on the Liji "Records of Rites", 49 texts: 2.4.1. 大戴 the Rites of Dai the Elder, 2.4.2. 小戴 the Rites of Dai the Younger (app. 注附 commentaries), 2.4.3. 義疏 exegis, 2.4.4. 書鈔 excerpts, 2.4.5. 評論 discourses, 2.4.6. 名數 status and numbers, 2.4.7. 音義 phonetic commentaries, 2.4.8. 中庸 the Doctrine of the Mean, 2.4.9. 讖緯 apocryphal texts
2.5. 月令 On monthly commands, 37 texts: 2.5.1. 古月令 ancient commands, 2.5.2. 續月令 later commands, 2.5.3. 時令 seasonal commands, 2.5.4. 歲時 activities through the year
2.6. 會禮 Texts on all ritual classics, 54 texts: 2.6.1. 論鈔 excerpts and discussions, 2.6.2. 問難 questions on difficult matters, 2.6.3. 三禮 texts on the three ritual Classics, 2.6.4. 禮圖 illustrated books on rites
2.7. 儀注 Books on official and private ceremonies, 126 texts: 2.7.1. 禮儀 State rituals and ceremonies, 2.7.2. 吉禮 auspicious rites, 2.7.3. 賓禮 guest rites, 2.7.4. 軍禮 military rites, 2.7.5. 嘉禮 congratulatory rites, 2.7.6. 封禪 offerings to Heaven and Earth, 2.7.7. 汾陰 the altar of the soil, 2.7.8. 明堂,郊祀,社稷,釋奠風雨師儀注 rites and ceremonies of the Hall of Distinction, the suburban sacrifices, the grain altar, and to the deities of weather, 2.7.9. 陵廟制 the system of the imperial tombs, 2.7.10. 家禮祭儀 family rites and sacrificial ceremonies, 2.7.11. 東宮儀注 rites and ceremonies of the Eastern Palace, 2.7.12. 后儀 ceremonies of the Empress, 2.7.13. 王國州縣儀注 ceremonies of the princely establishments and the local administration, 2.7.14. 會朝儀 court audiences, 2.7.15. 耕籍儀 the ceremonial ploughing, 2.7.16. 車服 imperial robes and chariots, 2.7.17. 國璽 state seals, 2.7.18. 書儀 official correspondence
3. 樂類 Yue Books on Music, 181 texts
3.1. 樂書 Books on music, 54 texts
3.2. 歌辭 Books on singing, 20 texts
3.3. 題解 Commentaries, 6 texts
3.4. 曲簿 Wording of ceremonial music, 15 texts
3.5. 聲調 Books on tuning and musical keys, 7 texts
3.6. 鐘磬 Books on bells and soundstones, 5 texts
3.7. 管絃 Books on pipes and strings, 11 texts
3.8. Books on dance figures, 4 texts
3.9. 鼓吹 Books on drums and wind instruments, 4 texts
3.10. Books on the zither, 54 texts
3.11. 讖緯 Apocryphal texts, 1 text
4. 小學類 Xiaoxue Lexicography and elementary learning, 240 texts
4.1. 小學 Elementary learning (like Sancang 三蒼, Jijiuzhang 急就章, Qianziwen 千字文,...), 33 texts
4.2. 文字 Character dictionaries, 58 texts
4.3. 音韻 Rhyme dictionaries, 51 texts
4.4. 音釋 Phonetic commentaries (like Jingdian shiwen 經典釋文), 4 texts
4.5. 古文 Books on ancient characters, 14 texts
4.6. 法書 Writing styles (calligraphy), 71 books
4.7. 蕃書 Foreign scripts, 2 texts
4.8. 神書 Spiritual inscriptions, 7 texts
5. 史類類 Shi Historiography, 2,279 texts
5.1. 正史 Official dynastic histories with commentaries and supplements, 182 texts: 5.1.1. 史記 Shiji, 5.1.2. 漢書 Hanshu, 5.1.3. 後漢[書] Houhanshu (incl. Dongguan hanji 東觀漢記), 5.1.4. 三國志 Sanguozhi, 5.1.5. 晉書 Jinshu, 5.1.6. 宋書 Songshu, 5.1.7. [南]齊書 Qishu, 5.1.8. 梁書 Liangshu, 5.1.9. 陳書 Chenshu, 5.1.10. 魏書 Weishu, 5.1.11. 北齊書 Beiqishu, 5.1.12. 後周書 Houzhoushu, 5.1.13. 隋書 Suishu, 5.1.14. 唐書 Tangshu (incl. Jiutangshu 舊唐書, Xintangshu 新唐書), 5.1.15. 通史 comprehensive histories (incl. Nanshi 南史, Beishi 北史, Wudaishi 五代史, Wudai shiji 五代史記, Shitong 史通)
5.2. 編年 Annals and chronicles, 188 texts: 5.2.1. 古魏史 the ancient history of Wei (incl. Jizhongshu 汲冢書), 5.2.2. 兩漢 on the two Han periods, 5.2.3. 魏吳 Wei and Wu 5.2.4. 晉 Jin, 5.2.5. 宋 [Liu]-Song (六朝附 app. Six Dynasties), 5.2.6. 齊 [Southern] Qi, 5.2.7. 梁 Liang, 5.2.8. 陳 Chen, 5.2.9. 後魏 Later [i.e. Northern] Wei, 5.2.10. 北齊 Northern Qi (周附 app. [Later] Zhou), 5.2.11. 隋 Sui, 5.2.12. 唐 Tang, 5.2.13. 五代 Five Dynasties, 5.2.14. 運歷 chronological lists, 5.2.15. 紀錄 comprehensive chronicles (like Diwang shiji 帝王世紀, Tongli 通曆, Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑑, Zizhi tongjian waiji 資治通鑑外紀)
5.3. 霸史 Histories of independent regions (like Huayang guo zhi 華陽國志, Shiliuguo chunqiu 十六國春秋, Sanshiguo chunqiu 三十國春秋), 34 texts
5.4. 雜史 Miscellaneous histories, 178 texts: 5.4.1. 古雜史 of antiquity (like Yuejueshu 越絶書, Wu-yue chunqiu 吳越春秋, Zhanguoce 戰國策), 5.4.2. 兩漢 on the two Han periods, 5.4.3. 魏晉 Wei and Jin, 5.4.4. 南北朝 Southern and Northern Dynasties, 5.4.5. 隋 Sui, 5.4.6. 唐 Tang (incl. Zhenguan zhengyao 貞觀政要), 5.4.7. 五代 Five Dynasties, 5.4.8. 宋朝 Song
5.5. 起居注 Imperial diaries, 96 texts: 5.5.1. 起居注 imperial diaries (incl. Mu Tianzi zhuan 穆天子傳, Da-Tang chuangye qijuzhu 大唐創業起居注), 5.5.2. 實錄 veritable records, 5.5.3. 會要 books on statecraft and administration
5.6. 故事 Ancient regulations or stories (incl. Han Wu gushi 漢武故事, Xijing zaji 西京雜記), 48 texts
5.7. 職官 State offices, 2 parts, 146 texts
5.8. 刑法 Judicial texts, 190 texts: 5.8.1. 律 law codes, 5.8.2. 令 case-related decisions, 5.8.3. 格 regulations, 5.8.4. 式 ordinances, 5.8.5. 勅 instructions, 5.8.6. 總類 general texts, 5.8.7. 古制 ancient regulations, 5.8.8. 專條 special articles, 5.8.9. 貢舉 official selection and appointment, 5.8.10. 斷獄 judgment and prison, 5.8.11. 法守 handbooks for district magistrates
5.9. 傳記 Biographies, 383 texts: 5.9.1 耆舊 honourable elderly persons, 5.9.2 高隱 eminent persons living in retirement, 5.9.3. 孝友 persons of filial and brotherly conduct, 5.9.4. 忠烈 persons of loyal conduct, 5.9.5. 名士 famous worthies, 5.9.6. 交遊 travels , 5.9.7. 列傳 individual biographies, 5.9.8. 家傳 family chronicles, 5.9.9. 列女 eminent females, 5.9.10. 科第 graduates of the state examinations, 5.9.11. 名號 members of eminent families, 5.9.12. 㝠異 stories of "obscure" persons, 5.9.13. 祥異 miraculous events
5.10. 地理 Geography, 450 texts: 5.10.1. 地理 imperial geography, 5.10.2. 都城宫苑 capital regions, palaces and parks, 5.10.3. 郡邑 regional geography, 5.10.4. 圖經 atlases, 5.10.5. 方物 local creatures and objects, 5.10.6. 川瀆 hydrology, 5.10.7. 名山洞府 mountains and caves, 5.10.8. 朝聘 missions to and from foreign countries, 5.10.9. 行役 travels, inspection tours, military campaigns and relocations of the court, 5.10.10. 蠻夷 "barbarians"
5.11. 譜系 Genealogies, 179 texts: 5.11.1. 帝系 imperial genealogies, 5.11.2. 皇族 princely genealogies (戚里附 app. relatives of empresses), 5.11.3. 總譜 general genealogies, 5.11.4. 韻譜 rhymed genealogies, 5.11.5. 郡譜 local genealogies, 5.11.6. 家譜 private genealogies
5.12. 食貨 Food and commodities, 120 texts: 5.12.1 貨寳 money and precious objects, 5.12.2 器用 objects of daily use and collectibles, 5.12.3 豢飬 animal husbandry, 5.12.4 種藝 art of cultivation, 5.12.5 茶 tea, 5.12.6 酒 wine
5.13. 目錄 Bibliographies and catalogues, 77 texts: 5.13.1. 總目 general [official] catalogues, 5.13.2. 家藏總目 private catalogues, 5.13.3. 文章目 documentary catalogues, 5.13.4. 經史目 catalogues specializing in Classics and history
6. 諸子類 Zhuzi "Masters and philosophers", 2,349 texts
6.1. 儒家 (儒術) Confucian books, 204 texts
6.2. 道家 Books of philosophical and religious Daoism, 1,323 texts: 6.2.1. 老子 Laozi and commentaries, 6.2.2. 莊子 Zhuangzi and commentaries, 6.2.3. 諸子 other masters, 6.2.4. 陰符經 Yinfujing "Scripture of the secret talisman" and commentaries, 6.2.5. 黄庭[經] Huangtingjing "Scripture of the yellow court" and commentaries, 6.2.6. 參同契 Cantongqi "Token for the agreement of the Three" and commentaries, 6.2.7. 目錄 book catalogues, 6.2.8. 傳 biographies, 6.2.9. 記 records, 6.2.10. 論 discussions, 6.2.11. 書 writings, 6.2.12. 經 scriptures, 6.2.13. 科儀 rules and observances or liturgy, 6.2.14. 符籙 talismans, 6.2.15. 吐納 exhaling and inhaling, 6.2.16. 胎息 embryonic breathing, 6.2.17. 内視 inner contemplation, 6.2.18. 道引 gymnastics, 6.2.19. 辟榖 abstention from cereals, 6.2.20. 内丹 inner alchemy, 6.2.21. 外丹 outer alchemy, 6.2.22. 金石藥 pharmacology, 6.2.23. 服餌 ingestion and diet , 6.2.24. 房中 the art of the bedchamber, 6.2.25. 修養 nourishing life
6.3. 釋家 Buddhist books, 344 texts: 6.3.1. 傳記 Biographies, 6.3.2. 塔寺 reports on monasteries, 6.3.3. 論議 discussions (abidharma), 6.3.4. 銓述 explanations, 6.3.5. 章鈔 extracts, 6.3.6. 儀律 monastic rules (vinaya), 6.3.7. 目錄 catalogues, 6.3.8. 音義 phonetic commentaries, 6.3.9. 頌贊 eulogies , 6.3.10. 語錄 collected sayings
6.4. 法家 Legalist books, 16 texts
6.5. 名家 Dialectician books, 16 texts
6.6. 墨家 Mohist books, 5 texts
6.7. 縱横家 Diplomatist books, 6 texts
6.8. 雜家 Books of miscellaneous arguments, 92 texts
6.9. 農家 Agricultural books, 12 texts
6.10. 小說 Stories and novellas, 101 texts
6.11. 兵家 Military books, 245 texts: 6.11.1. 兵書 theoretical military writings, 6.11.2. 軍律 military jurisdiction, 6.11.3. 營陣 tactics and formations on the battlefield, 6.11.4. 兵陰陽 divination in war, 6.11.5. 邊策 border defense
7. 天文 Tianwen Astronomy, astrology, calendar and arithmetics, 429 texts
7.1. 天文 Astronomy and astrology, 182 texts: 7.1.1. 天象 Phenomena of the sky, 7.1.2. 天文總占 general divination by the signs of the sky/Heaven, 7.1.3. 竺國天文 Indian astronomy, 7.1.4. 五星占 astrology of the five planets, 7.1.5. 雜星占 astology of various stars, 7.1.6. 日月占 divination by sun and moon, 7.1.7. 風雲氣候占 divination by wind, clouds and metereological energy, 7.1.8. 寳氣 Valuation of energy
7.2. 歷數 Books on time measuring and calendar, 22 texts: 7.2.1. 正歷 Correct calendars, 7.2.2. 歷術 the skill of time measuring, 7.2.3. 七曜歷 calendars based on the seven celestial bodies, 7.2.4. 雜星歷 calendars based on various stars, 7.2.5. 刻漏 water clocks
7.3. 算術 Mathematics, 65 books: 7.3.1. 算術 Mathematics, 7.3.2. 竺國算法 Indian mathematics
8. 五行 Wuxing The Five Agents (i.e. divination), 1,014 texts
8.1. 易占 Divination by the Changes, 113 texts
8.2. 易軌革 Changes and the deviation from the track, 12 books
8.3. 筮占 Divination by milfoil stalks, 7 texts
8.4. 龜卜 Tortoise bone divination, 24 texts
8.5. 覆射 Divination by guessing covered objects, 7 texts
8.6. 占夢 Dream interpretation, 7 texts
8.7. 雜占 Miscellaneous divination, 21 texts
8.8. 風角 The angle of the wind, 32 texts
8.9. 鳥情 Bird situations, 10 texts
8.10. 逆刺 Reverse stiching (individual circumstances), 4 texts
8.11. 遯甲 Divination by the secret-jia method, 71 texts
8.12. 太一 (太乙) Divination by the Supreme Unity, 48 texts
8.13. 九宮 Nine-Palace divination, 19 texts
8.14. 六壬 Divination by the six-ren method, 82 texts
8.15. 式經 Scriptures of formulas, 22 texts
8.16. 陰陽 Yin and Yang, 71 texts
8.17. 元辰 Disastrous spirits, 17 texts
8.18. 三命 The Threefold Fate, 101 texts
8.19. 行年 Almanach divination, 24 texts
8.20. 相法 Inspection methods, 73 texts
8.21. 相笏 Divination by audience plaques, 6 texts
8.22. 相印 Divination by seals, 2 texts
8.23. 相字 Divination by characters, 2 texts
8.24. 堪餘 Books on the geomancy compass, 11 texts
8.25. 易圖 Divination charts, 12 texts
8.26. 㛰嫁 Divination for marriage, 22 texts
8.27. 產乳 Divination for birth, 8 texts
8.28. 登壇 Divination for public events, 11 texts
8.29. 宅經 Divination for buildings, 37 texts
8.30. 葬書 Divination for tombs, 149 texts
9. 藝術, Yishu Arts and skills, 175 texts
9.1. 藝術 General books on skills and arts, 5 texts
9.2. Archery, 31 texts
9.2. Riding, 4 texts
9.4. 畫錄 Books on painting, 34 texts
9.5. 畫圖 Paintings of persons and objects of 37 painters
9.6. 投壺 The pitch-pot game, 6 texts
9.7. 弈棋 Yiqi board game, 31 texts
9.8. 博塞 Bosai board game, 12 texts
9.9. 象經 Xiangjing board game, 5 texts
9.10. 摴蒱 Chupu board game, 8 texts
9.11. 彈棋 Tanqi board game, 3 texts
9.12. 打馬 Horse racing (board game?), 2 texts
9.13. 雙陸 Shuanglu board game, 2 texts
9.14. 打球 Kickball, 2 texts
9.15. 彩選 Throwing dice, 14 texts
9.16. 葉子格 Slip game, 4 texts
9.17. 雜戲格 Various plays, 12 texts
10. 醫方 Yifang Medicine, 662 texts
10.1. 脈經 Pulse diagnostics (incl. Huangdi neijing 黃帝内經), 73 texts
10.2. 明堂針灸 The Bright Hall and acupuncture and moxibustion, 60 texts
10.3. 本草 Herbology, 39 texts
10.4. 本草音 Phonetic comments, 6 texts
10.5. 本草圖 Illustrated pharmacopoeias, 6 texts
10.6. 本草用藥 Practical herbology, 26 texts
10.7. 采藥 The collection of herbs, 5 texts
10.8. 炮炙 The preparation of medicine, 4 texts
10.9. 方書 Therapy, 139 texts
10.10. 單方 Therapeutic formulas, 10 texts
10.11. 胡方 (蕃胡) Foreign treatment methods, 11 texts
10.12. 寒食散 Cold diet, 10 texts
10.13. 病源 Aetiology, 40 texts
10.14. 五藏 The five viscera, 33 texts
10.15. 傷寒 Febrile diseases, 27 texts
10.16. 脚氣 On the athlete's foot, 9 texts
10.17. 岭南方 Methods of the south, 5 texts
10.18. 雜病 Various diseases, 19 texts
10.19. 瘡腫 Ulcers, 17 texts
10.20. 眼藥 Herbs in ophthalmology, 11 texts
10.21. 口齒 Oral medicine, 8 texts
10.22. 婦人 Gynaecology, 16 texts
10.23. 小兒 Paediatry, 41 texts
10.24. 食經 Cooking and diet, 41 texts
10.25. 香薰 Odours and fragrances, 3 texts
10.26. 粉澤 Cosmetics, 3 texts
11. 類書, Leishu Encyclopaedias, 132 texts
2 parts
12. 文 Wen, Belles-lettres, 2,348 texts
12.1. 楚辭 Chuci "Poetry of the South", 2 texts
12.2. 别集 Collections of individual writers, 1653 texts: 12.2.1. 楚别集 Individual writers of Chu, 12.2.2. 漢 of the Han period, 12.2.3. 後漢 Later Han, 12.2.4. 魏 empire of Wei, 12.2.5. 蜀 empire of Shu, 12.2.6. 吳 empire of Wu, 12.2.7. 晉 Jin, 12.2.8. 宋 [Liu]-Song, 12.2.9. 齊 [Southern] Qi, 12.2.10. 梁 Liang, 12.2.11. 後魏 Later [i.e. Northern] Wei, 12.2.12. 北齊 Northern Qi, 12.2.13. 後周 Later Zhou, 12.2.14. 陳 Chen, 12.2.15. 隋 Sui, 12.2.16. 唐 Tang, 12.2.17. 五代 Five Dynasties, 12.2.18. 偽朝 "illegal dynasties", 12.2.19. 宋朝 the Song period, 12.2.20. 别集詩 poems of individual writers
12.3. 總集 General collections and anthologies, 72 texts
12.4. 詩總集 Collections of poetry, 154 texts
12.5. Rhapsodies, 82 texts
12.6. 贊頌 Eulogies, 9 texts
12.7. 箴銘 Admonitions to younger generations, 7 texts
12.8. 碑碣 Inscriptions on steles, 17 texts
12.9. 制誥 Imperial instructions, 105 texts
12.10. 表章 Memorials to the throne, 66 texts
12.11. 啓事 Official admonitions, 12 texts
12.12. 四六 Documents written in four/six-syllable verses, 15 texts
12.13. 軍書 Military orders, 10 texts
12.14. 案判 "Cases and judgments", 20 texts
12.15. 刀筆 Essays, 11 texts
12.16. 俳諧 "Harmonious rhymes", 5 texts
12.17. 奏議 Memorials, 32 texts
12.18. Discussions, 17 texts
12.19. Political plans, 14 texts
12.20. Letters, 11 texts
12.21. 文史 History of literature and literary critique, 23 texts
12.22. 詩評 Critique on poetry, 44 texts
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